Sweet Inspiration – No. 3


What do you all have on tap for the weekend? That picture is what I have planned for my weekend. Porch and rooftop sitting with some wine or “day punch” (aka adult juice aka wine spritzer, but I like calling it day punch…it makes me feel better). These treats also caught my eye…

Red Fruit Galettes from Apt 2B Baking Co – I mean first off, these photos are straight up stunning. But then I was staring at them and realized (1) I was salivating and (2) that I was having a daydream about host a lovely dinner party in a Parisian flat where at the end of the party I walk into the room holding 2 of these galettes #swoon

Blackberry Thyme Muffins from The Faux Martha  – I.LOVE.BLACKBERRIES. full stop. Berry season is in full swing and these look so delicious. Plus, I love bringing in herbs that typically are used in savory dishes to let them shine in something sweet. I’m making these muffins when we get blackberries

Florentines from Fifteen Spatulas – Confession: I love cookies. Oh, you already knew that? Phew, then let’s make these. I love florentines. they are so delicate and caramel-y and this version is one that i’m aching to try (and try and try and not share and eat them all before you know it)

Deviled Eggs from Joy the Baker – Ok, Ok, so deviled eggs aren’t really “baking”. And they don’t use sugar or butter (ooo could we make them sweet?), but I can totally relate to Joy’s thoughts on deviled eggs and it totally has me dying to whip up another batch. Now I just need to find a party to take them to…

Popsicles from Lady and Pups and from the Faux Martha (twice in 1 round-up!) – I am so happy that popsicles are making a come back. If I had any room in my freezer right now, I would be running out to the nearest place that sells a popsicle mold (how is it that I don’t already have one, not sure?!) and just spending the whole weekend making popsicles of a grown-up variety…boy, I love summer

Have a great weekend!!

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